Jacquie Lawson
Reviews and Complaints
This review is from a real person who provided valid contact information and hasn't been caught misusing, spamming or abusing our website. Check our FAQ
Verified Reviewer |A Communication gap
There was a communication gap in solving my login problem with Jacquie Lawson (JL). It took quite awhile to resolve.
(I corresponded back and forth for sveral months. I finally gave up trying and stopped using the site. Then, 2 days ago, I received a renewal charge. I was not happy!
I found this site and filed the complaint.
After hearing back from JL, by email, I tried to send a card and they had finally resolved my issue. I love their cards and have been using the site for many years.
Truth be told had they phoned me, rather than email, this could have been solved months ago.
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Verified ReviewerResolved: Missing Advent calendars
On 11/16, I ordered three advent calendars. The one I ordered for myself was delivered. The other two have not been sent.
One to Cora Hayes: mustangluv.yankee@***.com
And one to Sharon Williams: sberry650b@***.net
Please rectify this omission as soon as possible.
Thank you,
Preferred solution: Deliver product or service ordered
This review is from a real person who provided valid contact information and hasn't been caught misusing, spamming or abusing our website. Check our FAQ
Verified Reviewer |No feedback!
No phone number to talk directly to them.
Need a live person.
Do you have the customer phone service for them?
This review is from a real person who provided valid contact information and hasn't been caught misusing, spamming or abusing our website. Check our FAQ
Verified ReviewerCancel your recent renewal on my card
I never opt for auto-renewal. You just caused my electric bill to bounce. I want to cancel the subscription and receive a full one hundred percent refund back to my card.
Preferred solution: Full refund
User's recommendation: Don't get involved
This review is from a real person who provided valid contact information and hasn't been caught misusing, spamming or abusing our website. Check our FAQ
Verified Reviewer |I had a problem with access to the Advent calendar, was my question was answered. IT WAS NOT!! THERE WAS NO ANSWERCannot access Advebnt calendar daily without new installaion
This review is from a real person who provided valid contact information and hasn't been caught misusing, spamming or abusing our website. Check our FAQ
Verified ReviewerResolved: Membership
Company fixed the issue and I have been provided with apology. Answered question on obtaining gift card for someone.
I would like to give my sister a membership to Jackie Lawson e-cards. She lives in Collingwood, Ontario, Canada.
Can I pay with my American credit card which is accepted worldwide? I hope this can be possible as she enjoys getting your cards and I would like to surprise her with a subscription.
Thank you in advance. I look forward to hearing from you.
This review is from a real person who provided valid contact information and hasn't been caught misusing, spamming or abusing our website. Check our FAQ
Verified Reviewer |I’ve tried on several occasions to find a phone number for the J Lawson company UK with out success
what happened to me is relevant I was ordering an anniversary card but this was sent before I was ready . Result it has been sent on the wrong day I know it has not been read but I can not stop it.
User's recommendation: Provide a phone number and customer UK Care desk . I understand this would be expensive but J Lawson cards have a lot of money
This review is from a real person who provided valid contact information and hasn't been caught misusing, spamming or abusing our website. Check our FAQ
Verified ReviewerQuestion about Christmas Letter Cards
I have been a paying member for many, many years. In the past, I could choose a Christmas Card and copy/paste in my Christmas letter with no character limit.
Now, only 1500 characters are allowed and I'm sure you cannot find a Christmas letter on earth with only 1500 characters. This is the same number of characters allowed on other cards. It is so disappointing that I can no longer do this.
Will you change this in the future? Marilyn Paugh
Preferred solution: A Christmas Letter card that actually allows you to enter a letter, exceeding 1500 characters!
This review is from a real person who provided valid contact information and hasn't been caught misusing, spamming or abusing our website. Check our FAQ
Verified Reviewer |Useless answer
I stopped using JL when the computer system changed, not user friendly. Was able to get to day 3 of my gifted Advent calendar and am not in the system anymore.
Now Chudley just keeps running when I type in my email etc. It would be nice if you could refund my friend Karen Leroy kel4718@***.com I have asked her to not buy me this again as it is an exercise of complete frustration.
I am giving up and do not want to read any more FAQs. Thank you Pauline
Death of a meamber
I am letting you know of the death of Mr Barry Blower 30 Beverston road Tipton DY40DF e-mail ? Sorry
Please advise thank you
Mr John Duffield
User's recommendation: If this is the way Jacquie Lawson treats people at such a sad time they should be ashamed heartbroken partner
Resolved: Non arrival of advent calandars
Company fixed the issue and I have been provided with apology. Never received any feedback
I thought I purchased 4 Paris Advent calandars but I can find no record of this transaction and the recipient s have not acknowledged receiving the items.Can you please let me know if these were indeed purchased
Sandra Pilgrim
I paid my subscription last year, and this year and I can’t get on your site
Paid the subscription last year and again this year, my bank agreed the payments and when I try to send cards after I log on I choose a card to send and it goes to join again, so please can you sort this out for me or refund all my money. I have sent cards through you for years, been extremely pleased with the service and cards, I sent a message the other day and was completely ignored. Jacqui McCarthy
User's recommendation: Not at the moment
Resolved: Dissapointed
Company fixed the issue and I have been provided with apology. I was angry about their software update as it seemed not user friendly.
I sorted it now. Thanks
I have just tried to send a birthday card and your recent updates make it virtually IMPOSSIBLE!
Why change something that was working OK?
Please cancel my subscription immediately!
User's recommendation: Go somewhere else they're total rubbish
This review is from a real person who provided valid contact information and hasn't been caught misusing, spamming or abusing our website. Check our FAQ
Verified ReviewerHad a change of email address, after nearly 25 years of membership. New email is olinkb@***.com ,old one was olina.b@***.net. Can u pls change it for me so I can do my Xmas cards, i
Change of email request - old: Olina.b@***.net. New: olinakb@***.com.
Please put the new email on my account. Thanks, Olga Kleinova.
New Contact email - olinakb@***.com. I've been your customer for about 25 years.
- No access to help
Preferred solution: To register my new email address on My account. Olga Kleinova, new email= olinakb@gmail.com
User's recommendation: Brilliant cards, reliable company
This review is from a real person who provided valid contact information and hasn't been caught misusing, spamming or abusing our website. Check our FAQ
Verified Reviewer |I have been charged twice for £24 in November & December. How can I get a refund please
I was charged £24 in November, maybe it was an automatic renewal, Im not sure. But I then had a reminder to pay & £24 was taken out in December.
I would appreciate it if I could have a refund of £24.Many thanks. Olga Palmer
User's recommendation: Great company, but not always able to send. Apart from that, great especially due to rising costs of cards & postage.
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